Did Carly " Charli" Scott of Maui , Hawaii fake her death in February 2014 to spite her ex boyfriend Scott Capobianco for leaving her ?

  Above : An undated picture of Charli Scott provided by Kimberlyn Scott on April 23, 2016. 

Note: All pictures and information contained within this blog are protected by Fair Use Law . No monetization of any pictures or information contained within this blog has occurred or is permitted. 

   Above : An undated picture of Charli Scott from the " Find Charli Scott " Facebook page. 
    Most people who have heard of the Charli Scott missing person case believe that Charli Scott is dead . In a world of fake news and misinformation produced by mass media, it is easy to make a claim that is inherently false , repeat it enough times, and have the public  believe that your lies are the truth. 

   There is no evidence that Charli Scott died on February 9, 2014 or that Charli Scott is even dead. On the other hand, there is ample evidence that Charli Scott faked her death . Most people have never bothered to investigate the facts around Charli Scott's life prior to her disappearance to understand that she had a million reasons to want to leave her old existence.  Charli Scott's unhappy past included an ex boyfriend, Scott Capobianco,  who she still had feelings for while he had fully moved on  , an unintended pregnancy in late 2013 that could have been anybody's child, and no money to support a child Charli Scott wanted to keep. In such a situation, a marginalized  and scorned woman could do just about anything to support herself and an unborn child, including fake her death.  

   Below are all the facts that support the strong possibility that Charli Scott faked her death for both vengeance and to start a new life with nobody looking for her because she is supposed to be dead.  

  ( Above photo : Undated picture of Charli Scott via a family member. ) 

   Fact Number One.) Charli Scott's body has never been found. 

( Picture of Charli Scott provided by Kimberlyn Scott on April 15, 2014.  )

    The most obvious piece of evidence that Charli Scott is not even dead is the fact that her body has never been found. All that has ever been found of Charli Scott's body  are a few measly parts of her body that could have been extracted by a plastic surgeon in less than a day.  All that was ever found in terms of body parts was some fingernails, some clumps of red hair that could have been from anybody, and a partial piece of a jawbone . Even this " evidence" was found five days after her disappearance. Five days between Charli Scott's disappearance and the staging of body parts in the woods was more than enough time to extract these body parts from either Charli Scott or another cadaver, and deposit them to make it appear as if Charli Scott had been murdered.  It should also be pointed out that there is no evidence that the few measly parts of a human body found on February 14, 2014 were even Charli Scott's  to begin with. There was no DNA evidence deposited with any Law Enforcement prior to Charli Scott's  disappearance on February 9, 2014 to establish a baseline between another random woman's DNA and Charli Scott's. With this being said, even if the random body parts were actually Charli Scotts are easily extracted by simple surgical procedures that are routine. 

  For example,Finger nail removal is an incredibly  quick procedure that can be done in a doctor's office in less than a few hours as the below still shot from a video shows. 

The above still shot is from a Youtube entitled , " Live Surgery: How to remove a fingernail. " by McClellan Plastic Surgery. 

  Another piece of evidence that the Scott family helped Charli Scott fake her death and was well aware that the crime scene was staged, is a very interesting picture Charli Scott's alleged mother,  Kimberlyn Scott , uploaded on March 22, 2016 .

     The above picture was posted with the following caption: Kimberlyn Scott,  "Charli with her first dog love Shotzie. I remember the coat and the shirt underneath it. I remember  the warm sun and puppy smell of her hair... I remember her fingernails and how fast they always grew... I remember I remember I remember... "

   I find it incredibly strange that  a real grieving mother would make such a strange remark about  remembering  " How fast Charli's fingernails grew " two years after Charli's alleged murder when fingernails were one of the few body parts found in the woods.   I think it is much more likely that Kimberlyn Scott was making a tongue and cheek joke to all her friends that , " Ha ha ha haaaa !!  Those stupid people on Maui. We extracted a few fingernails, a jawbone from plastic surgery, and some red hair, Threw it on the ground and those stupid Maui morons actually think she is dead. Hahahahahahaaaaa!!!!. You gotta love stupid people. You really do. " 

( Another picture of Charli Scott showcasing her  love of getting drunk and her famously fast growing fingernails .) 

     Charli Scott :  " Cheers mates! I'm still drinking Coronas on the other side, and Hey ,  Look at my fingernails ! They've all grown back just like my mommy said they would ! Faking your death is so much fun . Steven's in jail for the rest of his life and I'm scot free ! Thank God Everybody's such a moron on Maui. Those stupid, stupid people actually think I'm dead. I looooooove stupid people. Mommy loves them too. They all treat us like we're victims. Stay stupid , Maui people. Don't ever change ! "

3.) Fact Number Three : Charli Scott's pitbull ,  Nala, was found 25 miles away in perfect condition the morning  after  Scott Capobianco had allegedly brutally stabbed , slaughtered and then butchered Charli Scott into hundreds of pieces all over the woods . The story the Prosecutors Office wants the public to buy is that  Charli Scott's pitbull just sat there and watched Scott Capobianco kill her pregnant  owner and chop her into pieces.  

      The story Charli Scott's friends try to sell everyone is that Charli's pitbull didn't try to stop Steven from killing and butchering her owner and her unborn child because Nala knew Steven. 

  Above : Charli Scott's pitbull Nala.  The Prosecotor's Office on Maui wants the public to believe  that a dog as vicious as a  pitbull would just sit by and watch its pregnant owner get butchered into  eensy weensy little pieces  without doing a single thing to protect its owner .

     The story is that after Steven Capobianco butchered Charli Scott and her unborn child into eensy , weensy, tiny  pieces and spread those pieces all over the woods on night of February 9, 2014,  Charli Scott's  pitbull just casually  sauntered off and somehow magically appeared 25 miles away at the Nahiku Marketplace by 7 in the morning. The man who found Charli's pitbull , Albert Young, described the finding Charli Scott's pitbull on February 10, 2014 as the pitbull not looking like it was fatigued, said its paws were in good condition with no scratches or scrapes, and that the dog wasn't acting like anything was out of place.  Albert Young  claims that the dog appeared to be " just hanging out". This description of Charli Scott's pitbull simply doesn't fit with a pitbull who watched its owner get butchered a few hours prior and then had to run 25 miles to safety. http://mauinow.com/2016/07/29/capobianco-murder-trial-man-who-found-charlis-dog-testifies/

( Above : Albert Young, the man who found Charli Scott's pitbull the morning after Charli Scott went missing. ) 

 Some people did think Charli Scott's pitbull  magically appearing unharmed 25 miles away a few hours after Charli Scott was allegedly butchered , did seem a wee bit odd. To try and explain away the obvious which is that Charli Scott dropped the dog off before faking her death,    some people have suggested that it was Steven Capobianco who drove the dog to safety. The idea that Steven Capobianco could have been the one to drive  Charli Scott's pitbull all the way to Nahiku doesn't make sense . If Steven Capobianco  was supposed to have been in a rage that night, covered in blood, chopping Charli and her unborn child  into pieces, and on and on,  there is no way Steven Capobianco would have had time to clean himself up, calm himself down, and then lovingly and gently driven a dog 25 miles in the complete opposite direction of his  home to make sure the pitbull was " safe". . That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever and is a completely uncredible explanation for how Charli's pitbull  got to Nahiku Marketplace by 7 in the morning and was completely unharmed and not traumatized.

 ' Cheers Maties! Those stupid people on Maui actually believe that my pitbull  just sat there and watched Steven murder me , and chop me into pieces,  and kill my unborn child.  Hahaaaaahaaa!!!! God I love stupid people.  Mommy loves them too.  Maybe someday Mommy can make a big picture film about my brutal murder and we can all get super rich . Hahaaa haaaa!!! The best part is how everybody calls Steven a " Monster" and an " It". God I love those stupid morons on Maui. I couldn't have done this without them. 

         Thank you Maui Family ! I love You !!!! 

4.) Fact Number Four : All pictures of Charli Scott released to the public have  been digitally altered to hide what her real eyes really looked like , or , Charli Scott's eyes in the pictures are so far away , the pictures are useless for identifying Charli Scott via Iris recognition technology. 
    How is this fact relevant to  that Charli Scott faking her death and the Scott family helping her fake her death ? Simple. If Charli Scott had actually died on February 9, 2014 , nobody would bother to digitally alter Charli Scott's eyes in pictures released to the public. Iris recogniton technology has an almost  one hundred percent accuracy rate and is used by the FBI to find and arrest fugitives , and people like Charli Scott who are hiding from Law  Enforcement.  The people who assisted Charli Scott fake her death aren't stupid and they know all about Iris Recognition Technology. This would explain why  one sees digital blurring of Charli Scott's eyes in all pictures released to the public. One sees this blurring dramatically in  the picture below from a March 23, 2017 article about Steven Capobianco being sentenced to life in prison by Brigette Namata.   https://www.khon2.com/news/local-news/steven-capobianco-to-be-sentenced-in-one-of-hawaiis-highest-profile-murders_20180104063832197/901551055  

At first glance, one might say, No, that is a real picture of Charli Scott. Yes, this is a somewhat " real " picture of Charli Scott. But when one magnifies the above  picture by KHON 2 news, one sees the exact area inside Charli Scott's eyes the pixalation is intense. This is the exact area somebody went into the picture and did a minor blurring so that no future Federal Law Enforcement  could not use this picture to identify Charli Scott as still being alive using Iris Recognition Technology.

     The blurring of Charli Scott's eyes in this picture given to KHON 2 News is blatantly obvious upon magnification. There would be no reason to digitally alter Charli Scott's eyes three years after she allegedly died, unless Charli Scott is decidedly quite alive. 

     Below is another picture submitted by The Scott family to " help " the public look for their allegedly missing daughter. Again, the picture of Charli Scott looks real until one magnifies the picture. Upon magnification one can see that there has been digital alteration of Charli Scott's eyes. Nobody would alter Charli Scott's eyes , unless they knew Charli Scott was alive and they wanted to make sure Federal Law Enforcement could never identify her. 

    When one magnifies the above picture distributed by the Scott family to the public, again there is a high level of blurring  in  Charli Scott's eyes.  Nobody would  digitally alter Charli Scott's eyes in pictures unless they knew Charli Scott was alive and they wanted to make it impossible for Federal Law enforcement  to use Iris recognition Technology to identify Charli Scott down the road.  

Fact Number 5.) There were pictures given to The " Find Charli Scott Facebook "  page in February of 2014 of a woman in Hana who had all the significators of  Charli Scott. Yet, the Scott family dismissed the pictures by saying that Charli Scott had a tattoo on her right leg, therefore the woman who looked exactly like Charli Scott could not be her. This is not a credible explanation for not investigating those pictures. 

This above picture was submitted to the " Find Charli Scott "Facebook page on February 27, 2014 by a Maui resident. The resident claimed that the picture was taken on February 14, 2014 on a Hana beach near a campground. Interestingly enough, the woman in the picture has every physical indicator of Charli Scott. She has the exact same body type, same hair, same exact facial features, same everything. The man she is sitting by looks like a Maui police officer , specifically this man looks exactly like Maui police officer Eric Losvar. What is most interesting about The Scott family's reaction to this picture dated five days after allegedly Charli Scott was butchered to death, is their complete lack of interest in having the Maui police investigate if this woman was Charli Scott. 

   The Scott family's response to this picture which absolutely does look like Charli Scott on February 14, 2014 in Hana is , and I quote,      " That's not Charli. Charli has a tattoo on her right thigh. " 

    Really ? So the Scott family is allegedly desperate to find Charli Scott who is allegedly five months pregnant, yet, the Maui Police Deapartment and the Scott family forget to tell the public something as hugely important as a there being a noticeable tattoo on Charli Scott's right thigh ? 

     Point blank, They are lying. If Charli Scott had a noticeable tattoo  on her right thigh, Great, Please describe it and give the public some pictures of it. Otherwise, I stand by my assertion that all the Scott family does is lie, lie, and lie some more. 

Someone else also asked The Facebook page in February of 2014 why nobody had told the public about a tattoo on Charli Scott's right thigh . Not surprisingly , nobody from the " Find Charli Scott " Facebook page responded. 


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