Was child victim Alaina Petty of the Parkland shooting already a victim of child abuse and child trafficking long before the Parkland Shooting ? Was child victim Alaina Petty actually child abduction victim Madeleine McCann at birth ?

Pictures of Parkland Shooting victim Alaina Petty taken for her ROTC squadron indicate signs of child abuse and neglect far in advance of the shooting event on February 14th, 2018 at Marjory Douglas High school. 

Note : All pictures in this blog of Alaina Petty, child victim Allison Wyatt, and child victim Madeleine McCann are protected under  Fair Use Law for the sole purpose of education and criticism alone. No monetization of any of my blogs or the information contained within has ever occurred or is allowed. 

Above is a ROTC picture of Alaina Petty in 2017. Below is the exact same picture simply cropped to show the horrific rot and decay of Alaina Petty's teeth and gums that show clear Child Abuse and Endangerment under all relevant Florida statutes. 

     The above ROTC picture of Alaina Petty  picture is simply a cropped picture of the ROTC picture taken at Marjory Douglas High School sometime in Alaina Petty's  2017/ 2018 freshman year. 
    The quantity of rotted and highly decayed teeth in Alaina's mouth is horrifying . This poor child look as if she has never been to see a dentist her whole entire life.  All these  rotted and decayed teeth in her mouth must have caused this poor child an extreme amount of pain. This level of tooth and gum rot easily qualifies for serious Child endangerment charges by all relevant Florida child abuse statutes. 

    The question then becomes, If Alaina Petty was in fact Ryan and Kelly Petty's biological daughter as they claim she is, how on earth could they rationalize never taking their daughter to a dentist her whole entire life ? I do not believe that any biological parent on the planet would allow their own biological  daughter to suffer this way. 

   The question then becomes, If Alaina Petty was not Ryan and Kelly Petty 's  biological child, to whom may this child have belonged to originally ? 

   I believe that Alaina Petty may never have been taken to a dentist  her whole entire life because one of the highest profile kidnapping cases in the world was a child who had dental records on record with Law Enforcement. That child was named Madeleine McCann. Madeleine McCann was an absolutely beautiful child, but Madeleine did have extremely unusual teeth abnormalities that would cause someone who had her illegally  to want to avoid going to a dentist. 

  The above picture is Madeleine McCann shortly before her abduction on May 3, 2007 from a Portugal resort apartment. Madeleine McCann was left completely  alone with her 16 month old younger twin siblings in an unlocked apartment on a ground floor while her doctor parents ate at a resort restaurant  out of view of the apartment they left three children under the age of 4 all by themselves to fend for themselves. ( Lovely parents. ) 

      By looking at the above picture of Madeleine McCann, one can see how deformed her teeth are already at the age of four. The gaps between her teeth were extreme and would have been an easy way for Law Enforcement to identify her anywhere in the world from denatl records alone. This could be one reason the Pettys never took Alaina to a dentist until right before The Parkland Shooting. Any ethical or moral dentist would have been horrified at the spacing and rot and decay of her teeth and may have remembered the Madeleine McCann case. One look at  Madeleine's highly unusual teeth and the dentist may have called the police.  All the dentist would have then had to do was look into her eyes and he/she would have known know that he was treating Madeleine McCann. I don't think the Petty's wanted to take that risk and therefore allowed this poor child's teeth to rot and decay to a horrifying level. 

      Madeleine McCann had two very significant identifying traits that both fit child victim Alaina Petty. One identifying trait was a noticeable black mark in the lower part of Madeleine's right eye. Alaina Petty also has such a black mark in the lower right part of her  right eye, although it is extremely hard to see in the scarce three to four pictures of Alaina Petty released to the public. I could only see the black mark by downloading a picture of Alaina Petty from Twitter. I had to highly magnify the picture  to see the black mark in Alaina Petty's lower right eye, but it is definitely there. 

  The above picture with the black mark in Alaina Petty's right eye high lighted is simply the picture of Alaina Petty from her great aunt's Twitter account magnified to show the distinctive black mark that Madeleine McCann also had. 

    The other incredibly strange aspect to  Ryan and Kelley Petty's story that they lived in Seattle for 10 years before moving to Parkland Florida four years ago is the deafening silence that has come from people who should have known and loved Alaina Petty for all those ten years in Seattle. Althouh 1,500 people allegedly attended Alaina Petty's funeral in Parkland Fl, there has not been one single person in Seattle that has come forward to talk about Alaina or share one single picture of Alaina in Seattle to actually prove that Alaina Petty lived in Seattle between 2003 and 2013. 

     For example, the Seattle LDS chapter of Mormons posted a Memorial event for Alaina Petty on Facebook, yet not one single person in Seattle either pushed the " Interested " button or the " Going " button. 

     Nobody even posted any comments about The Memorial Service . This screenshot was taken today ,March 7, 2018, three weeks after this tragedy, yet not one single person in Seattle left on esingle comment about this Memorial Service on this page. That simply does not make sense if Alaina truly did live in Seattle for 10 years with Ryan and Kelly Petty, there should have been hundreds of people going to this Memorial service and hundreds of people commenting on how beautiful this memorial service was , yet

  Not One Person In Seattle, Washington  had anything to say about Alaina Petty after one of the worst school shootings in American history.

      To be fair to the Petty's , I decided to push on the Mormon Church's link,  just to make sure that the Church advertising Alaina Petty's Memorial Service in Seattle was an actual Church with connections to Ryan and Kelly Petty. It turns out that this Church in Seattle is called the " Redmond Washington Stake " . This Mormon Church does call Ryan and Kelly Petty ' their members for a long time" but nobody seems to know or have any real feelings for Alaina Petty. This is odd to say the least. 

 This is a screen shot taken today , March 7, 2018 , of the Redmond Washington Stake's Facebook page with 741 people following it. 

                 741 People follow this LDS Church page in Seattle. 

Yet, when I scroll down to this Church's posting on February 18th advertising Alaina Petty' Memorial Service, again there is  not a single Church member out of all 741 members who has    a single thing to say about Alaina or the service scheduled for February 19, 2018. That simply doesn't make any sense. 

       It is interesting  that 4 people out of the 741 that follow this site thumbed this page up, but four ? 1,500 people in Parkland Florida attended Alaina Petty's funeral, but only 4 people in Seattle even thumbed up her Memorial Service ? I'm sorry, but that fact alone screams for a criminal investigation into the Petty's. 

I scrolled down a little further to see if there were any more postings about Alaina Petty , hoping just to see one person in Seattle who had anything to say about Alain a Petty. I never did, but The Church did share an article from a newspaper about Alaina Petty. This posting was on February 17, 2018 and got 11 Thumbs up ( way to go Seattle ) , but still not a single person had anything to say about Alaina Petty. 

       It simply is not credible to me that Alaina Petty was born and raised in Seattle in a tight nit LDS congregation, but nobody has any pictures of her from Seattle or anything to say about her from Seattle Washington.

    To be fair to Ryan Petty, he did respond to the ONE comment on his old LDS Churh's facebook page about Alaina Petty  which wasn't even about Alaina Petty . It was just somebody tagging Ryan Petty's name . ( Sigh. )

   Ryan Petty's response to his name being tagged was ,

      " A huge thank you to all of our friends from Redmond ( all             one of them). We've felt your love and prayers and they             have given us strength. We know families are forever. "

    There is one more significator of child abduction victim Madeleine McCann that fits child victim Alaina Petty and that is a strange bald spot to the right of  both Alaina Petty and Madeleine McCann's center front hairline.  


     In my mind, the likelihood that Alaina Petty had all three major significators of child abduction victim Madeleine McCann is extremely small. Those significators are :

       1.) The strange black mark in Madeleine McCann and Alaina Petty's  right eye. 

      2.) The same strange bald spot in Madeleine McCann's and Alaina Petty's front right side of their hairline.  

     3.) The fact that the Petty's nor anybody in Seattle Washington  have provided any real proof that Alaina Petty lived with them prior to their move to Florida from Seattle four years ago. 

   It should also be pointed out that there is a good possibility that Alaina Petty is not dead. Child trafficking rings almost never kill a child being  used for illegitimate purposes . It takes money and resources to steal a child, relocate them, and provide a falsified birth ( and sometimes a falsified death certificate) for them.  This means that most trafficked children are used until the people using them either get tired of them or kill them if the child figures out he / she was at birth. 

   Somebody should be looking for Alaina Petty irregardless of any death certificates produced for her. Death certificates can be produced fraudulently for a very small sum of money. There are enough lies around Alaina Petty to warrant an investigation of where this child came from and whether or not she is still alive. 


     It should also be pointed out that Madelein McCann's real eye color was a darker blue with different colors swirled in. Madeleine's real eye color matches the color of Alaina Petty's real eye color in the one picture on Twitter her great aunt provided. 





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